It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I guess I kind of lost interest in blogging when I got addicted to Facebook. In fact I think it was around that same time that I started feeling like I didn’t have time for anything. You know, drawing, or painting, or cleaning the house, or bathing myself… Stuff… Continue reading Still here!
Category: Ramblings
Spring is sprung
Posting on the last day of the month again, because my OCD requires that I have a post for every month in the archives! Gotta love compulsions, am I right? If only I felt compelled to do something constructive, like oh I dunno, art? Guess I must be channeling my creativity into this: This was… Continue reading Spring is sprung
I can has Spring?
Just a quick post to make sure I have a March entry for the archives. At the risk of echoing absolutely everybody right now, it’s been a looooooong winter. But it just might be coming to an end…
On the rebound
It’s official: I’m through with you, Joomla. I’m leaving you for WordPress. Joomla, you were fun; we had a good time together—but honestly, WordPress is just easier to get along with. And the Joomla version of my site crashed today, so I guess it was lucky I had a WordPress version all loaded and ready… Continue reading On the rebound