Still here!

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I guess I kind of lost interest in blogging when I got addicted to Facebook. In fact I think it was around that same time that I started feeling like I didn’t have time for anything. You know, drawing, or painting, or cleaning the house, or bathing myself… Stuff… Continue reading Still here!

Categorized as Ramblings

Spring is sprung

Posting on the last day of the month again, because my OCD requires that I have a post for every month in the archives! Gotta love compulsions, am I right? If only I felt compelled to do something constructive, like oh I dunno, art? Guess I must be channeling my creativity into this: This was… Continue reading Spring is sprung

Categorized as Ramblings

I can has Spring?

Just a quick post to make sure I have a March entry for the archives. At the risk of echoing absolutely everybody right now, it’s been a looooooong winter. But it just might be coming to an end…

Categorized as Ramblings

On the rebound

It’s official: I’m through with you, Joomla. I’m leaving you for WordPress. Joomla, you were fun; we had a good time together—but honestly, WordPress is just easier to get along with. And the Joomla version of my site crashed today, so I guess it was lucky I had a WordPress version all loaded and ready… Continue reading On the rebound

Categorized as Ramblings